28-04-2023 07:00

Kenyan police have uncovered 26 more bodies of suspected cult members linked to the Good News International Church, bringing the total number to 47.

Officials received a tip-off about dozens of shallow graves at a farm owned by the church’s leader, Makenzie Nthenge.

Nthenge has already been arrested, charged, and released on bail of 700 dollars; however, authorities are still searching for survivors of the cult as well as further bodies. Hussein Khalid of the rights group Haki Africa claimed that members of the church were still hiding in the nearby forest, calling on the government to send troops to assist in the search.

The interior minister, Kithure Kindiki, has pledged to investigate the movement and called for tighter regulation of all religious institutions.

Difficult words: cult (a small religious group that’s not part of a larger and more accepted religion), tip-off (a piece of information given discreetly).

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